New patient - exam for glasses

A comprehensive eye exam includes an evaluation for glaucoma and other eye diseases, a peripheral vision screening, and a refraction for a new glasses prescription. We also offer an optomap retinal photography which can be performed WITHOUT the need to dilate the eyes saving you hours of blurred vision and light sensitivity.

New patient - exam for contacts

All services noted above as well as an evaluation of the prescription and fit of all types of soft or gas permeable contact lenses. We also specialize in Synergeyes custom hybrid lenses that can provide clearer, crisper, and more comfortable vision beyond traditional soft or gas permeable contact lenses. If you want to continue with your current contact lenses, please bring your latest contact lens prescription, empty boxes of contacts, or contact lens packaging so the parameters can be checked. Consider getting an optomap retinal photograph taken of the back of your eye. It's a great way for contact lens wearer to get a more comprehensive eye exam WITHOUT having to dilate the eyes.

New patient - exam for glasses AND contacts

All services noted above as well as an evaluation of the prescription and fit of all types of soft or gas permeable contact lenses. We also specialize in Synergeyes custom hybrid lenses that can provide clearer, crisper, and more comfortable vision beyond traditional soft or gas permeable contact lenses. If you currently wear contact lenses, please bring your latest contact lens prescription, empty boxes of contacts, or contact lens packaging so the parameters can be checked. The optomap retinal photography is great for contact lens wearer who don't want blurry vision from dilation after being fit for contact lenses.

Previous patient - exam for glasses

If you've been to the office before and want a check up on eye health and are updating your glasses prescription. NOT getting contact lenses. You are also eligible for the optomap retinal photography which is the most advanced way to evaluate the internal health of your eyes WITHOUT dilation. We recommend annual optomap retinal photographs which can be compared by our software to detect any subtle changes in the retina.

Previous patient - exam for glasses AND contacts

If you've been to the office before and want a check up on eye health plus updating your glasses and/or contacts. You are also eligible for the optomap retinal photography which is the most advanced way to evaluate the internal health of your eyes WITHOUT dilation.

Previous patient - exam for contacts

If you've been to the office before and want a check up on eye health and are updating your contact lens prescription. We have all your contact lens information on file as well as your previous optomap retinal photos. We recommend annual optomap retinal photographs which can be compared by our software to detect any subtle changes in the retina.

Medical Office Visit

This is a problem focused exam, which may or may not include a dilated eye exam. This appointment can be used for a wide variety of conditions, such as an annual diabetic eye exam, glaucoma exam or follow up, dry eyes, eye infection, and even a contact lens infection or irritation. Typically your medical insurance (i.e., Blue Cross, United Healthcare, CIGNA etc.) will cover your medical eye visit usually after a copy or after your medical deductible is met. We do not accept HMO plans. Please call our office if you are unsure what type of plan you have an we can verify your coverage.


For office use only.